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My Story

I've been an avid reader ever since I was a kid. I would bring home 10 books from the library and have them finished within a week. I loved disappearing into fantastical worlds with magic powers and terrifying villains. Stories where the handsome prince would always save the beautiful princess and everyone lived happily ever after.

But as I got older, I fell out of love with reading. Mostly because I hated the books I was being forced to read in school; but also because I stopped connecting with the characters. 

It seemed like every book I opened contained a romantic subplot. I didn't understand any of them. I couldn't understand how why all of the female characters were throwing away their plans, their family, and their friends back home, for a guy

...Yeah spoiler alert, Lauren, you're gay.

After this magnificent revelation, I started to realize how hard it was to find a story that had a character like me in it. Sure there was lots of fan fiction, but I struggled to find books, published literature, that had queer love in it. Even harder to find one the main character is LGBTQ+. 

But after searching and searching, then asking around, I finally got some recommendations. Finally, some books where I could see myself. Where I could understand why the main character threw it all away for a woman she just met.

But it was work to find them, and some of them...aren't exactly great pieces of writing. 

So, that's where the idea for this blog came from! I wanted to create a place where queer people could find books about them. That tells our love stories and our adventures, and that doesn't have LGBT+ characters just to check a box. I made this blog so queer folx can find their stories, and, so maybe a kid like me can see themselves in a real book, and see that they are acceptable, just as they are.

In the bar of the hotel that I was stayi

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